Vision for the future
Chabad of SLO & Cal Poly is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge and observance of Judaism in SLO & Cal Poly Communities.
Its purpose is to reach out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation or level of observance, and bring them closer to Judaism.
In the Jewish Community today, there is a much greater awareness than ever before of the need for increased Jewish programming. This has occurred as a result of the growing hunger for Jewish knowledge and experience on the part of families and individuals, and coincides with a general move in the United States toward spiritualism.
This creates a tremendous need for programs that specifically respond to this situation. We intend to distinguish ourselves by offering quality programs which address these new needs on a much larger scale and much more effectively. In the future Chabad will be a vibrant, all encompassing organization that will meet all the needs of any Jew regardless of affiliation or background. Chabad will have the capacity to serve all segments of the community. Chabad will have developed particularly strong capabilities in helping any Jew make significant progress in their connection to Judaism. Chabad will be recognized as the place to come to get more meaningful Yiddishkeit.
Our goal is to become a one stop Jewish Resource center in SLO with a warm, welcoming atmosphere open to any Jew at any time, a place to discover and nurture the Jewish soul within.
We intend to accomplish this goal by:
1) Launching the Rohr Center for Jewish Life offering the Jewish Community a comprehensive Judaic library, classrooms, and private space for counseling and tutoring. There would be a Sanctuary, and also a small gift area for purchasing Jewish books, talleisim, mezuzahs and other necessities of Jewish life.
2) Building a superior workforce through careful hiring and continuous training and development, of an outreach professional to both coordinate and expand existing programs as well as to initiate new ones. This new Chabad Shliach would enable Chabad to more effectively further the Jewish education of a greater number of children, young adults and families. This will be accomplished by working closely with the leaders of the Jewish Community to efficiently meet the needs of the greatest number of families in a most personalized manner.
Chabad of SLO & Cal Poly is a financially autonomous organization completely responsible for funding its programs.
We will also create a high level of visibility and awareness for our programs and services by a consistent and carefully planned marketing strategy.
We now plan to increase our focus on developing the new Rohr Center for Jewish Life. One of the main target markets for these programs and services are unaffiliated young Jewish couples and Jewish students at Cal Poly.
We expect to maintain the current programs and services, and continue utilizing existing facilities in the Jewish Community. We are also planning to add new programs and services, which include Jewish instruction for children (and adults), workshops prior to all Jewish holidays and more Jewish craft programs