
40 for 40

  • Hi all,

    Miki here. Someone special is having a big birthday. Rabbi Chaim is turning 40! 

    We moved to SLO 15 years ago, so if you do the math -- we were really young. Probably younger than you are now! Hard to believe.

    With your help and encouragement we've created something magical here over the last 15 years. Hosting over 100 students every Friday night is possibly our greatest nachas! If you were around in our early years in our apartment on Foothill, you'll recall that hosting 20 students was a lot! It’s been an amazing ride, Thank G-d.

    With the growth of Chabad comes a larger budget obviously. How awesome would it be if we can surprise Rabbi with a birthday gift we know would help him and the community? My vision is 40 people to commit to contributing $40 a month.

    Thank you for being part of such a special birthday for our dear Rabbi Chaim!!

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